Take Charge of Your Life!
Discover What You Can Do Through Education and Support.
Connecting people with epilepsy to experts and peers for education, care, and friendship. We anchor a caring community that empowers our members and their loved ones to better understand and manage their treatment plan throughout their epilepsy journey.
Tell me more about:

1 In 10 People will experience a seizure in their lifetime

1 In 26 People will be diagnosed with epilepsy

39% of adults who experienced seizures in the past year had not seen a neurologist

65K people in Northeast Ohio have active epilepsy

Empowering Epilepsy
Are you or a loved one newly diagnosed with epilepsy?
Do you want to learn more about your epilepsy diagnosis?
Join our Patient Education Program to gain a deeper understanding of your diagnosis and treatment plan. Our program offers:
Personalized Education: One-on-one sessions with Epilepsy Specialists.
Expert Insights: Educational content from top epilepsy specialists across the U.S.
Comprehensive Resources: Diagnosis-specific information, medication details, and proactive strategies.
Improve your quality of life and take control of your epilepsy journey.
FREE 1:1 Program
Featured Events

Support Groups
Q&A Led by Epilepsy Specialists
Empowering Epilepsy features some of the top epilepsy specialists in the country leading an hour of online Q & A. Participants can ask them any general questions about epilepsy and seizures, and then talk with others in their age group who are also living with epilepsy.
Number of families Empowering Epilepsy is helping with epilepsy and seizures in Northeast Ohio.
> 3,000
Epilepsy Monitoring Unit Gift Bags donated to patients being monitored at Level 4 Epilepsy Centers over the past 6 years.
Epilepsy is a neurological disease affecting over 65,000 people in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.
Number of people who will be diagnosed with epilepsy this year.